We are happy to be part again of this years Enter Art Fair!

This year we would like to express a gentle and soft approach in contrast to last years edgy and sharp concept. Therefor we have decided to do a booth solemnly with paper works, all small formatted. The topic of the composition shall be „your inner child“. We want to represent local artists from Hamburg, combining them with two artists from southern Germany and Switzerland.

We are excited and much looking forward to our second time at the fair.

This year we are presenting a paper work booth with works by

Alex Diamond, Dominik Schmitt, Pedro Anacker and Simone Thiele!

Alex Diamond


While the majority of his oeuvre consists of his distinctive trademark woodwork - multi-layered, highly detailed sculptural woodcuts blended with painting - since 2021, Jörg Heikhaus aka Alex Diamond has also been creating a series of 500 scurried drawings on A4 paper, using fountain pens and permanent ink in black and blue. These pieces combine words and images in order to reflect on a variety of societal issues, with themes that range from political commentary to poetic musings.


Dominik Schmitt


Dominik Schmitt, an artist from southern Germany, masterfully explores the interplay of surfaces and lines, creating works rich in detail and depth. His art critiques belief systems and pseudosciences while delving into philosophical and biological questions of the self. Despite a seemingly dark exterior, his pieces reveal hopeful messages, subtle humor, and a playful inner child. Schmitt's distinctive style has gained international acclaim, with his works showcased in top museums and art fairs globally. Notably, his music video for Mine's "Hinüber" won the "Prize for Pop Culture" in Berlin in 2021.



Pedro Anacker


Pedro Anacker's art is defined by expressive abstraction, influenced by classical modernism, Dada, and punk. His dynamic compositions defy convention through a bold interplay of color and form, inviting viewers into realms of emotion and rebellion against societal norms. At 23, he enrolled at the University of Fine Arts, where under Professor Bernd Koberling, he developed his distinctive style. His artworks, combining bold paint application with refined composition, captivate and challenge the viewer. Beyond his art, Pedro balances life's demands, including fatherhood and entrepreneurship, with an unwavering passion for creative expression.



Simone Thiele


Simone Thiele's work explores the effects of surfaces and lines, examining their expansion, internal tension and spatial relationships. A key aspect of her painting is the concept of layering - overpainted hidden forms that remain partially visible through remnants, thereby influencing the overall composition. Her work is characterised by a deep sense of tranquillity, yet contains a significant amount of tension.